

If you like city management games, check out Dotville.

You build farms (to feed your population of "dots"), marketplaces (for a steady flow of income), mines (for iron, which you can sell or use to manufacture weapons), and smithies (using iron to manufacture weapons, which you can sell or use to build an army), fortresses (increase happiness once), and status symbols (increase happiness over time). You can set food rate and tax, both of which influence your dots' happiness - and that's what your final score largely depends on.

There are two rather strange mini-games included: if your neighbor attacks, you'll deal with the attack in a Tic-Tac-Toe game (and your opponent is much too stupid to win, believe me) - but the damage you do to his army depends on the size of your own army. And the final battle after 50 rounds of gameplay is done with rock-paper-scissors, where you pitch your full army against your opponent.

Still, a fun game, although it's somewhat easy to beat.

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